Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации
Сетевой электронный научный журнал
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Учредитель - ![]() федеральноегосударственноебюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» http://vshni.ru |
Декабрь, 2024 год. ВЫПУСК №4
События и памятные даты
……………………………………………………………………………… Сайфулина Е.В., кандидат педагогических наук, заведующий кафедрой художественной вышивки ФГБОУ «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Выставка Высшей школы народных искусств (академии) в Русском доме науки и культуры в Париже
Saifulina E.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department artistic embroidery of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Masterpieces of traditional applied art of the Moscow region on a visit to the Russian House of Science and Culture in Paris ……………………………………………………………………………… Saifulina E.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department artistic embroidery of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Masterpieces of traditional applied art of the Moscow region on a visit to the Russian House of Science and Culture in Paris
……………………………………………………………………………… Тихомиров С.А., кандидат культурологии, доцент, проректор по научной работе, доцент кафедры истории искусств, ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Вторые международные Сольбинские чтения в Николо-Сольбинском монастыре
Tikhomirov S.A., candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Associate Professor of the Department of Art History of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» The second international Solba readings at the Nikolo-Solba monastery ……………………………………………………………………………… Tikhomirov S.A., candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Associate Professor of the Department of Art History of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
The second international Solba readings at the Nikolo-Solba monastery
……………………………………………………………………………… Тихомиров С.А., кандидат культурологии, доцент, проректор по научной работе, доцент кафедры истории искусств ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Амиргазин К.Ж., доктор педагогических наук, профессор Сибирского института традиционного прикладного искусства – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Вышая школа народных искусств» (академия)
Первый Российский форум «Культура Традиции Наследие»
Аннотация: Информационный обзор посвящен первому Российскому форуму «Культура Традиции Наследие», состоявшемуся 8 ноября 2024 года в Москве. Ключевые слова: форум, культура, традиции, наследие, Высшая школа народных искусств (академия), выставка, дефиле, традиционные художественные промыслы. Tikhomirov S.A., PhD in Culturology, associate professor, Vice-rector for Research, associate professor of department of art history of the Higher school of folk arts (academy) Amirgazin K.J., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professorof the Siberian institute of traditional applied art – branch of the «Highen school of folk arts (academy)»
The first Russian forum «Culture Traditions Heritage»
Abstract: The information review is dedicated to the first Russian forum «Culture Traditions Heritage», held on November 8, 2024 in Moscow. Key words: forum, culture, traditions, heritage, Higher School of Folk Arts (academy), exhibition, fashion show, traditional crafts. ……………………………………………………………………………… Tikhomirov S.A., PhD in Culturology, associate professor, Vice-rector for Research, associate professor of department of art history of the Higher school of folk arts (academy) Amirgazin K.J., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professorof the Siberian institute of traditional applied art – branch of the «Highen school of folk arts (academy)»
The first Russian forum «Culture Traditions Heritage»
Abstract: This information review focuses on the First Russian Forum "Culture Traditions Heritage," held on November 8, 2024, in Moscow. Key words: forum, culture, traditions, heritage, Higher School of Folk Arts (academy), exhibition, defile, traditional arts and crafts. ……………………………………………………………………………… Озерова О.В., кандидат педагогических наук, директор Сергиево-Посадского института игрушки – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Аннотация: Статья посвящена результатам Международных XVI Бартрамовских чтений, в которых приняли участие научно-педагогические работники вузов, педагоги образовательных учреждений, а также зарубежные гости, сотрудники музеев, представители предприятий по производству игрушек, работники учреждений культуры, искусствоведы, историки, коллекционеры, мастера традиционных художественных промыслов, представители органов власти и общественных организаций. Участники конференции обсуждали проблемы игрушки как уникального явления культуры, пути развития непрерывного профессионального образования в сфере дизайна игрушки, совершенствование организации деятельности посетителей в современном музейном пространстве и инновационные подходы к музейно-педагогической деятельности. В статье анализируются основные вопросы пленарного заседания и работа секций в Художественно-педагогическом музее игрушки им. Н.Д. Бартрама. Ключевые слова: Международные XVI Бартрамовские чтения, игрушка, проектирование игрушки, профессиональное образование, Художественно-педагогический музей игрушки им. Н.Д. Бартрама. Ozerova O.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, director of the Sergiev Posad institute of toys-branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» International XVI Bartramov Readings «Toy: past, present, contours of the future»: conference results Abstract: The article is devoted to the results of the International XVI Bartramov Readings, which were attended by representatives of scientific and pedagogical staff of universities, teachers of educational institutions, as well as foreign guests, museum staff, representatives of toy manufacturing enterprises, employees of cultural institutions, art historians, historians, collectors, masters of traditional art crafts, representatives of authorities and public organizations. The conference participants discussed the problems of toys as a unique phenomenon of culture, ways of development of continuous professional education in the sphere of toy design, improvement of the organization of visitors' activity in the modern museum space and innovative approaches to museum-pedagogical activity. The article analyzes the main questions of the participants of the plenary session, as well as the work of the sections held in the Art and Pedagogical Museum of Toys named after N.D. Bartram. Key words: International XVI Bartram's Readings, toy, toy design, professional education, Art and Pedagogical Toy Museum named after N.D. Bartram. N.D. Bartram. ……………………………………………………………………………… Ozerova O.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, director of the Sergiev Posad institute of toys-branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Abstract: The article is devoted to the results of the International XVI Bartramov Readings, which were attended by representatives of scientific and pedagogical staff of universities, teachers of educational institutions, as well as foreign guests, museum staff, representatives of toy manufacturing enterprises, employees of cultural institutions, art historians, historians, collectors, masters of traditional art crafts, representatives of authorities and public organizations. The conference participants discussed the problems of toys as a unique phenomenon of culture, ways of development of continuous professional education in the sphere of toy design, improvement of the organization of visitors' activity in the modern museum space and innovative approaches to museum-pedagogical activity. The article analyzes the main questions of the participants of the plenary session, as well as the work of the sections held in the Art and Pedagogical Museum of Toys named after N.D. Bartram. Key words: International XVI Bartram's Readings, toy, toy design, professional education, Art and Pedagogical Toy Museum named after N.D. Bartram. N.D. Bartram. ……………………………………………………………………………… Ермакова М.В., кандидат педагогических наук, заместитель директора по научно-методической работе Федоскинского института лаковой миниатюрной живописи – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Богданов С.И., и.о. академика-секретаря Отделения российской словесности Российской академии образования, член-корреспондент РАО, доктор филологических наук, профессор, руководитель Центра русского языка и славистики Ermakova M.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director for scientific and methodical work. Fedoskino institute of lacquer miniature painting – branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Bogdanov S.I., acting academician-secretary of the russian literature department of the Russian academy of education, corresponding member of the Russian academy of education, doctor of philological sciences, professor, head of the Center for russian language and slavic studies III International Forum «Traditional art crafts and higher specialized professional education: modern challenges, new opportunities and perspectives»: summarizing the results ……………………………………………………………………………… Ermakova M.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director for scientific and methodical work. Fedoskino institute of lacquer miniature painting – branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Bogdanov S.I., acting academician-secretary of the russian literature department of the Russian academy of education, corresponding member of the Russian academy of education, doctor of philological sciences, professor, head of the Center for russian language and slavic studies ……………………………………………………………………………… Лапина Ю.Е., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры художественного кружевоплетения, заведующий художественно-творческой лабораторией Научно-исследовательского института традиционных художественных промыслов ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
XIII Международный конкурс кружевниц «Киришский сувенир»
Lapina Yu.E., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of artistic laceweaving, Head of the Artistic and Creative Laboratory of the Research Institute of Traditional Arts and Crafts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» XIII International contest «Kirishi Souvenir» ……………………………………………………………………………… Lapina Yu.E., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of artistic laceweaving, Head of the Artistic and Creative Laboratory of the Research Institute of Traditional Arts and Crafts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
XIII International contest «Kirishi Souvenir»
Куракина И.И., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры истории искусств ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Обзор защит диссертационных исследований в Высшей школе народных искусств (академии)
Kurakina I.I., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of art history at the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Review of dissertation research defenses at the Graduate school of folk arts (academy) ……………………………………………………………………………… Kurakina I.I., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of art history at the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Review of dissertation research defenses at the Graduate school of folk arts (academy)
Традиционное прикладное искусство и образование в современном мире
Максимович В.Ф., академик Российской академии образования, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, президент ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Ванюшкина Л.М., доктор педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой истории искусств ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)», главный редактор сетевого научного издания «Традиционное прикладное искусство и образование» Тихомиров С.А., кандидат культурологии, доцент, проректор по научной работе, доцент кафедры истории искусств ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Кафедра ЮНЕСКО как ресурс стратегического развития Высшей школы народных искусств (академии)
Статья обосновывает продолжает цикл публикаций авторов, связанных с определением и проектированием приоритетных стратегических направлений развития Высшей школы народных искусств (академии). Их выявление связано с осознанием перехода вуза на новый уровень международной деятельности. Ключевые слова: традиционные художественные помыслы, профессиональное образование, стратегия развития, ресурс, ЮНЕСКО, культура, искусство, ценность, диалог культур, традиции. Maksimovich V.F., academician of the Russian academy of education, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, president of the Higher school of folk arts (аcademy) Vanyushkina L.M., doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of art history of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)», editor-in-chief of the network scientific edition «Traditional applied art and education» Tikhomirov S.A., candidate of cultural studies, associate professor, vice-rector for research, associate professor of department of art history of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» UNESCO Chair as a resource for strategic development Higher school of folk arts (academy)
The article substantiates the cycle of publications of authors related to the definition and design of priority strategic directions for the development of the Higher school of folk arts (academy). Their identification is associated with the awareness of the transition of the university to a new level of international activity. Key words: traditional artistic ideas, professional education, development strategy, resource, UNESCO, culture, art, value, dialogue of cultures, traditions. ……………………………………………………………………………… Maksimovich V.F., academician of the Russian academy of education, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, president of the Higher school of folk arts (аcademy) Vanyushkina L.M., doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of art history of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)», editor-in-chief of the network scientific edition «Traditional applied art and education» Tikhomirov S.A., candidate of cultural studies, associate professor, vice-rector for research, associate professor of department of art history of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
UNESCO Chair as a resource for strategic development Higher school of folk arts (academy)
The article substantiates the cycle of publications of authors related to the definition and design of priority strategic directions for the development of the Higher school of folk arts (academy). Their identification is associated with the awareness of the transition of the university to a new level of international activity. Key words: traditional artistic ideas, professional education, development strategy, resource, UNESCO, culture, art, value, dialogue of cultures, traditions. ……………………………………………………………………………… Камнева С.Ю., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры профессиональных дисциплин Института традиционного прикладного искусства – Московского филиала Высшей школы народных искусств (академии) Дракина И.К., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры теории и методики профессионального образования ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Подготовка бакалавров по художественной вышивке и перспективы их будущей профессиональной индивидуально-творческой деятельности
Аннотация: В статье раскрыта проблема подготовки бакалавров по художественной вышивке (высшее образование) в контексте прогноза перспектив будущей профессиональной деятельности выпускников Института традиционного прикладного искусства (профиль – моделирование с художественной вышивкой). Выявлены особенности профессиональной деятельности и обозначены соответствующие компетенции будущих художников. Представлены результаты анализа опыта организации и осуществления индивидуальной художественно-творческой деятельности выпускников. Ключевые слова: художественная вышивка, художественно-творческие мастерские, профессиональное образование, подготовка бакалавров художественной вышивки, моделирование одежды, проектирование, конструирование одежды с художественной вышивкой. Kamneva S.Y., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the professional disciplines department of the Institute of traditional applied arts – Moscow branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Drakina I.K., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, of the department of theory and methodology of professional education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Bachelor's training in artistic embroidery and prospects of future professional individual-creative activity Abstract: The article reveals the problem of training bachelors in artistic embroidery (higher education) in the context of forecasting the prospects of future professional activity of graduates of the Institute of traditional applied arts (profile – modeling with artistic embroidery). The peculiarities of professional activity are revealed and the corresponding competences of future artists are outlined. The results of the analysis of the experience of organization and implementation of individual artistic and creative activity of graduates are presented. Key words: artistic embroidery, artistic and creative workshops, professional education, clothing design, design, construction of clothing with artistic embroidery ……………………………………………………………………………… Kamneva S.Y., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the professional disciplines department of the Institute of traditional applied arts – Moscow branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Drakina I.K., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, of the department of theory and methodology of professional education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Bachelor's training in artistic embroidery and prospects of future professional individual-creative activity
Abstract: The article addresses the issue of training bachelors in artistic embroidery (higher education) within the context of predicting the future professional prospects of graduates from the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts (specialization – modeling with artistic embroidery). It identifies specific features of their professional activities and outlines relevant competencies for future artists. The results of analyzing the experience of organizing and implementing individual creative activities among graduates are presented. Key words: artistic embroidery, art studios, vocational education, bachelor's degree in artistic embroidery, clothing design, fashion design, construction of clothes with artistic embroidery. ………………………………………………………………………………
Пути совершенствования системы подготовки будущих Александрова Н.М., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, директор Научно-исследовательского института традиционных художественных промыслов, Высшая школа народных искусств (академия) Дракина И.К., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры теории и методики профессионального образования ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Амиргазин К.Ж., доктор педагогических наук, профессор Сибирского института традиционного прикладного искусства – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Вышая школа народных искусств (академия)» Шапкин В.В., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник Научно-исследовательского института традиционных художественных промыслов ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Аннотация: В статье раскрыто обучение научно-исследовательской деятельности в высшем образовании будущих художников традиционного прикладного искусства посредством включения в учебный процесс дисциплины «Основы научно-исследовательской деятельности в традиционном прикладном искусстве» и в рамках выполнения тематических исследований студенческого научного общества. Сделан краткий анализ публикаций по исследованию научно-исследовательской деятельности в профильном вузе. Выявлены научные принципы построения содержания обучения научно-исследовательской деятельности. Представлено содержание и методы обучения вышеуказанной дисциплине. Приведены примеры выполнения научно-исследовательских работ студентами. Ключевые слова: научно-исследовательская деятельность, студенты, традиционное прикладное искусство, дисциплина, принцип, студенческое научное общество. Aleksandrova N.M., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, director of the Research institute for traditional arts and crafts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy) Drakina I.K., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, of the department of theory and methodology of professional education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Amirgazin K.J., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professorof the Siberian institute of traditional applied art – branch of the «Highen school of folk arts (academy)» Shapkin V.V., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, leading researcher of the Research institute of traditional artistic crafts Higher school of folk arts (academy) Research activities in the training of artists in the field of traditional applied arts: interrelation of content and teaching methods Abstract: Training of research activity in higher education of future artists of traditional applied art through the inclusion of the discipline «Fundamentals of research activity in traditional applied art» in the educational process and within the framework of the fulfillment of case studies of student scientific society is disclosed. A brief analysis of publications on the research of research activity in the specialized higher education institution is made. The scientific principles of building the content of research activity training are revealed. The content and methods of teaching the above-mentioned discipline are presented. Examples of research work performance by students are given. Key words: research activities, students, traditional applied arts, discipline, principle, student scientific society. ……………………………………………………………………………… Aleksandrova N.M., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, director of the Research institute for traditional arts and crafts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy) Drakina I.K., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, of the department of theory and methodology of professional education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Amirgazin K.J., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professorof the Siberian institute of traditional applied art – branch of the «Highen school of folk arts (academy)» Shapkin V.V., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, leading researcher of the Research institute of traditional artistic crafts Higher school of folk arts (academy) Abstract: Training of research activity in higher education of future artists of traditional applied art through the inclusion of the discipline «Fundamentals of research activity in traditional applied art» in the educational process and within the framework of the fulfillment of case studies of student scientific society is disclosed. A brief analysis of publications on the research of research activity in the specialized higher education institution is made. The scientific principles of building the content of research activity training are revealed. The content and methods of teaching the above-mentioned discipline are presented. Examples of research work performance by students are given. Key words: research activities, students, traditional applied arts, discipline, principle, student scientific society. ……………………………………………………………………………… Куракина И.И., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры истории искусств ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Дронова Н.Д., доктор технических наук, доцент, член Союза художников России, профессор кафедры социально-гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин Института традиционного прикладного искусства – Московского филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу проблемы профессиональной подготовки будущих искусствоведов в области традиционных художественных промыслов в Высшей школе народных искусств (академии). В исследовании сформулированы цель и задачи дисциплины «Методика анализа произведений традиционного прикладного искусства»; выявлены существующие трудности в отборе содержания тем курса и описана специфика «интерпретации» материала в контексте традиционных художественных промыслов; раскрыта методика организации практических занятий и самостоятельной работы студентов. Ключевые слова: методика анализа произведений традиционных художественных промыслов, Высшая школа народных искусств (академия), традиционные художественные промыслы, традиционное прикладное искусство, методы искусствоведческого анализа. Kurakina I.I., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of art history at the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Dronova N.D., doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the union of artists of Russia, professor, professor of the department of socialhumanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» The course of the methodology of analyzing the works of traditional applied art in the professional education of future art historians: the essence, content, meaning Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of professional training of future art historians in the field of traditional artistic crafts at the Higher school of folk arts (academy). The purpose and objectives of the discipline «Methods of analyzing works of traditional artistic crafts » are revealed; the existing difficulties in selecting the content of the course topics are revealed and the specifics of the «interpretation» of the material in the context of the specifics of traditional artistic crafts are described; the methodology of organizing practical classes and independent work of students is revealed. Key words: methodology of analyzing the works of traditional artistic crafts, Higher school of folk arts (academy), scientific research, traditional artistic crafts, traditional applied art, methods of art criticism analysis. ……………………………………………………………………………… Kurakina I.I., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of art history at the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Dronova N.D., doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the union of artists of Russia, professor, professor of the department of socialhumanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of professional training of future art historians in the field of traditional artistic crafts at the Higher school of folk arts (academy). The purpose and objectives of the discipline «Methods of analyzing works of traditional artistic crafts » are revealed; the existing difficulties in selecting the content of the course topics are revealed and the specifics of the «interpretation» of the material in the context of the specifics of traditional artistic crafts are described; the methodology of organizing practical classes and independent work of students is revealed. Key words: methodology of analyzing the works of traditional artistic crafts, Higher school of folk arts (academy), scientific research, traditional artistic crafts, traditional applied art, methods of art criticism analysis. ……………………………………………………………………………… Анисина С.Ю., исполняющая обязанности директора Рязанского института традиционного прикладного искусства – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Профессионально-ориентированный подход в непрерывном профессиональном образовании в области художественной вышивки
Аннотация: Статья посвящена разработке и внедрению профессионально-ориентированного подхода в системе непрерывного профессионального образования в области художественной вышивки Рязанского региона. Рассматривается важность сохранения и развития традиционного прикладного искусства Рязанского региона, а именно художественной вышивки, необходимость подготовки высококвалифицированных кадров в этой области. В статье анализируются педагогические условия реализации профессионально-ориентированного подхода, а также предлагаются методические рекомендации для обеспечения устойчивости образовательного процесса на отделении художественной вышивки в Рязанском институте традиционного прикладного искусства - филиале федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Высшей школы народных искусств (академии)». Ключевые слова: профессионально-ориентированный подход, непрерывное профессиональное образование, художественная вышивка, традиционное прикладное искусство, Рязанский регион, инновации в образовании, культурное наследие. Anisina S.Yu., Acting Director of the Ryazan Institute of Traditional Applied Arts – branch of the Higher school of folk arts (academy) Vocationally oriented approach in continuing professional education in the field of art embroidery Abstract: The article is devoted to the development and implementation of professional-oriented approach in the system of continuing professional education in the field of artistic embroidery of the Ryazan region. The importance of preservation and development of traditional applied art of the Ryazan region, namely embroidery, the need for training of highly qualified personnel in this field is considered. The article analyzes the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of a professionally oriented approach, and also offers methodological recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the educational process at the department of embroidery in the Ryazan Institute of Traditional Applied Arts - branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Higher school of folk arts (academy)”. Key words: professionally oriented approach, continuing professional education, artistic embroidery, traditional applied art, Ryazan region, innovations in education, cultural heritage. ……………………………………………………………………………… Anisina S.Yu., Acting Director of the Ryazan Institute of Traditional Applied Arts – branch of the Higher school of folk arts (academy)
Vocational-oriented approach in continuing professional education in the field of artistic embroidery
Abstract: The article is devoted to the development and implementation of professional-oriented approach in the system of continuing professional education in the field of artistic embroidery of the Ryazan region. The importance of preservation and development of traditional applied art of the Ryazan region, namely embroidery, the need for training of highly qualified personnel in this field is considered. The article analyzes the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of a professionally oriented approach, and also offers methodological recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the educational process at the department of embroidery in the Ryazan Institute of Traditional Applied Arts - branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Higher school of folk arts (academy)”. Key words: professionally oriented approach, continuing professional education, artistic embroidery, traditional applied art, Ryazan region, innovations in education, cultural heritage. ………………………………………………………………………………
Общие вопросы профессиональной педагогики Колобов В.Н., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры ювелирного и косторезного искусства, заведующий мастерской косторезного искусства им. Н.Д. Буторина ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Дронова Н.Д., доктор технических наук, доцент, член Союза художников России, профессор кафедры социально-гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин Института традиционного прикладного искусства – Московского филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Творческие работы студентов Высшей школы народных искусств (академии): перспективы развития холмогорского косторезного искусства
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются творческие работы студентов Высшей школы народных искусств, обучающихся художественной резьбе по кости. Проведен краткий сравнительный анализ некоторых произведений, в которых выявлены как традиционные характеристики холмогорского косторезного искусства, так и новые решения, не характерные для канонов севернорусской резьбы по кости. Обоснованы факторы, влияющие на формирование художественной стилистики в произведениях художников и мастеров косторезного искусства. Приведены исторические данные о художниках и художественно-стилистических элементах резьбы по кости прошлых веков, сформировавшие традиционный стиль холмогорского косторезного искусства. Ключевые слова: косторезное искусство, композиция, художник, мастер, студент, холмогорская резьба по кости, ажур, скульптура, панно, каноны, художественно-стилистический, технологический. Kolobov V.N., Acting Director of the Ryazan Institute of Traditional Applied Arts – branch of the Higher school of folk arts candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of jewelry and bone carving art, head of the bone carving art workshop named after N.D. Butorin of the «Higher school for folk arts (academy)»(academy) Dronova N.D., doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the union of artists of Russia, professor, professor of the department of socialhumanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Creative works by students of the Higher school of folk arts (academy): prospects for the development of kholmogorsk bone-carving art Abstract: The article deals with the creative works of students of the Higher school of folk arts who study artistic bone carving. A brief comparative analysis of some works is carried out, in which both traditional characteristics of thekholmogorsk bone-carving art and new solutions not typical for the canons of northern russian bone carving are revealed. The factors influencing the formation of artistic stylistics in the works of artists and masters of bone-carving art are substantiated. Historical data on artists and artistic and stylistic elements of bone carving of the past centuries, which in time formed the traditional style of the Kholmogorsk bone carving art, are given. Key words: bone carving art, composition, artist, master, student, Kholmogorsk bone carving, openwork, sculpture, panel, canons, artistic and stylistic, technological. ……………………………………………………………………………… Kolobov V.N., Acting Director of the Ryazan Institute of Traditional Applied Arts – branch of the Higher school of folk arts candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of jewelry and bone carving art, head of the bone carving art workshop named after N.D. Butorin of the «Higher school for folk arts (academy)»(academy) Dronova N.D., doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the union of artists of Russia, professor, professor of the department of socialhumanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Higher School of Folk Arts (Academy): prospects for the development of kholmogory bone carving art
Abstract: The article discusses creative works by students of the Higher School of Folk Arts who are studying artistic bone carving. A brief comparative analysis of some works is conducted, revealing both traditional characteristics of Kholmogory bone carving art and new solutions that do not fit within the canons of Northern Russian bone carving. Factors influencing the formation of artistic style in the works of artists and masters of bone carving are substantiated. Historical data on artists and stylistic elements of bone carving from past centuries, which formed the traditional style of Kholmogory bone carving art, are presented. Key words: bone carving art, composition, artist, master, student, Kholmogory bone carving, openwork, sculpture, panel, canons, stylistic, technological. ……………………………………………………………………………… Уколова Ю.И., заместитель директора по научной и методической работе Мстерского института лаковой миниатюрной живописи им. Ф.А. Модорова – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Аннотация: Статья посвящена экспериментальной работе по внедрению в структуру содержания высшего образования в области мстёрской лаковой миниатюрной живописи мстёрского миниатюрного рисунка. Автор анализирует влияние новой дисциплины на повышение навыков студентов при проектировании собственно-творческих произведений мстёрской лаковой миниатюрной живописи. В статье рассмотрено применение критериально-оценочного подхода для проверки эффективности разработанного содержания обучения мстёрскому миниатюрному рисунку. Ключевые слова: мстёрский миниатюрный рисунок, мстёрская лаковая миниатюрная живопись, проектирование, высшее образование, экспериментальное исследование, стилизация и трансформация фигуры человека, творческая деятельность, линейный рисунок, академический рисунок, декоративный рисунок. Ukolova Yu.I., deputy director for scientific and methodical work of the Msterа institute of lacquer miniature painting named after F.A. Modorov – branch of «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Implementation of mstera miniature painting in the content of teaching students of higher education in the field of mstera lacquer miniature painting Abstract: The article is devoted to an experimental study on the introduction of teaching mstera miniature drawing into the structure of the content of higher education in the field of mstera lacquer miniature painting. The influence of the new discipline on improving students' skills in designing the actual creative works of the master lacquer miniature painting. The article considers the application of a criteria-based assessment approach to verify the effectiveness of the developed content of teaching the mstera miniature drawing. Key words: mstera miniature drawing, mstera lacquer miniature painting, design, higher education, experimental research, stylization and transformation of the human figure, creative activity, linear drawing, academic drawing, decorative drawing. ……………………………………………………………………………… Ukolova Yu.I., deputy director for scientific and methodical work of the Msterа institute of lacquer miniature painting named after F.A. Modorov – branch of «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Abstract: The article is devoted to an experimental study on the introduction of teaching mstera miniature drawing into the structure of the content of higher education in the field of mstera lacquer miniature painting. The influence of the new discipline on improving students' skills in designing the actual creative works of the master lacquer miniature painting. The article considers the application of a criteria-based assessment approach to verify the effectiveness of the developed content of teaching the mstera miniature drawing. Key words: mstera miniature drawing, mstera lacquer miniature painting, design, higher education, experimental research, stylization and transformation of the human figure, creative activity, linear drawing, academic drawing, decorative drawing. ……………………………………………………………………………… Гульченко А.В., преподаватель кафедры ювелирного и косторезного искусства ФГБВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Проектирование тематической композиции в ювелирных украшениях
Аннотация: Статья посвящена проблеме разработки и созданию тематических художественно-графических проектов ювелирных изделий обучающимися в среднем профессиональном образовании. Представлено краткое описание принципов и этапов создания тематической композиции при разработке проектов ювелирных украшений. Проанализированы основные этапы обучения проектированию, а также примеры использования в процессе обучения исследовательского подхода для создания концепции художественного образа изделия, подбор материалов и ювелирных техник. Ключевые слова: обучающийся, художественная деятельность, идея, концепция, художественный образ, композиция, проектирование, ювелирные украшения, ювелирное искусство, художественно-графический проект. Gulchenko A.V., teacher of the department of jewelry and bone-carving art of the federal state budgetary educational institution, «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Designing a thematic composition in jewellery Abstract: The article is dedicated to the problem of developing and creating thematic artistic and graphic projects for jewelry by students in secondary vocational education. It presents a brief description of the principles and stages of creating thematic compositions in the development of jewelry design projects. The main methods of teaching design are analyzed, as well as examples of using a research approach in the learning process to create the concept of the artistic image of the product, as well as the selection of materials and jewelry techniques. Key words: student, artistic activity, idea, concept, artistic image, composition, design, jewellery, jewellery art, art and graphic project. ……………………………………………………………………………… Gulchenko A.V., teacher of the department of jewelry and bone-carving art of the federal state budgetary educational institution, «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Designing a thematic composition in jewellery
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the problem of developing and creating thematic artistic and graphic projects for jewelry by students in secondary vocational education. It presents a brief description of the principles and stages of creating thematic compositions in the development of jewelry design projects. The main methods of teaching design are analyzed, as well as examples of using a research approach in the learning process to create the concept of the artistic image of the product, as well as the selection of materials and jewelry techniques. Key words: student, artistic activity, idea, concept, artistic image, composition, design, jewellery, jewellery art, art and graphic project. ……………………………………………………………………………… Чуракова М.В., кандидат педагогических наук, заведующий кафедрой ювелирного и косторезного искусства ФБГОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Дронова Н.Д., доктор технических наук, доцент, член Союза художников России, профессор кафедры социально-гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин Института традиционного прикладного искусства – Московского филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Обучение техническому мастерству будущих художников-ювелиров по художественному гравированию
Аннотация: В статье исследуется педагогический процесс обучения техническому мастерству по ювелирной технике художественное гравирование. Автором было изучено и проанализировано содержание учебной программы по дисциплине «Исполнительское мастерство по художественному металлу (ювелирное искусство)», сделан краткий анализ публикаций по исследованию применения упражнений в подготовке художников в области традиционного прикладного искусства. Разработан практико-ориентированного комплекс учебных заданий по художественному гравированию и экспериментально апробирован на учебных занятиях, рассмотрена последовательность этапов, которые позволят усовершенствовать педагогический процесс обучения техническому мастерству будущих художников-ювелиров. Ключевые слова: художественная обработка металла, художник-ювелир, гравирование, исполнительское мастерство, ювелирное искусство, гравировальный резец, обучение, формирование умений и навыков. Churakova M.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department of jewelry and bone-carving art of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Dronova N.D., doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the union of artists of Russia, professor, professor of the department of social-humanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the Higher school of folk arts (academy) Training future jewelry artists in technical skills through practicing a series of exercises in artistic engraving Abstract: The article investigates the pedagogical process of teaching technical mastery in the jewellery technique of artistic engraving. The author has studied and analysed the content of the curriculum for the discipline ‘Performing Mastery of Art Metal (Jewellery Art)’, made a brief analysis of publications on the study of the application of exercises in the training of artists in the field of traditional applied art. A practice-oriented complex of training tasks on artistic engraving has been developed and experimentally tested in training classes, the sequence of stages that will improve the pedagogical process of teaching technical mastery of future jewellery artists has been considered. Key words: metal art, jewelry artist, engraving, performance skills, jewelry art, graver, teaching, skill development. ……………………………………………………………………………… Churakova M.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department of jewelry and bone-carving art of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Dronova N.D., doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, member of the union of artists of Russia, professor, professor of the department of social-humanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the Higher school of folk arts (academy)
Designing a thematic composition in jewellery
Abstract: The article examines the pedagogical process of teaching technical skills in jewelry techniques, specifically artistic engraving. The author analyzed and reviewed the syllabus of the course "Artistic Metalworking (Jewelry Art)," summarized publications focused on the application of exercises in the training of artists in the field of traditional applied arts. A practice-oriented set of learning assignments for artistic engraving was developed and experimentally tested in classroom settings. The sequence of steps to enhance the pedagogical process of teaching technical mastery to future jewelry artists was also proposed. Key words: metal art, jewelry artist, engraving, performance skills, jewelry art, graver, teaching, skill development. ……………………………………………………………………………… Федотова О.В., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, директор Института традиционного прикладного искусства – Московского филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Михайлова Н.Н., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры социально-гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин Института традиционного прикладного искусства Института традиционного прикладного искусства – Московского филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Насмотренность художника традиционного прикладного искусства: от визуальной коммуникации к произведению искусства (статья 1)
Аннотация: В статье рассматривается процесс организации визуальной коммуникации, необходимой для накопления перцептивного опыта и развития насмотренности как одного из значимых профессиональных качеств будущего художника традиционного прикладного искусства. Сделан глубокий анализ терминов «насмотренность» и «коммуникация», обоснована связь насмотренности с визуальной коммуникацией. Даны определения «насмотренность в традиционных художественных промыслах», «визуальная коммуникация в традиционных художественных промыслах», «декоративная стилизация». В центре внимания автора – формы организации деятельности обучающихся по общепрофессиональным и профессиональным дисциплинам, применяемые в Институте традиционного прикладного искусства – филиале Высшей школы народных искусств (академии) и способствующие воспитанию визуально-эстетического восприятия в процессе визуальной коммуникации с целью успешного проектирования и создания изделий традиционного прикладного искусства. Ключевые слова: визуальная коммуникация, визуальный опыт, визуально-эстетическое восприятие, внеаудиторная деятельность, насмотренность, декоративная стилизация, художник традиционного прикладного искусства. Fedotova O.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, director of the Institute of traditional applied arts – Moscow branch of the «Higher scool of folk arts (academy)» Mikhailova N.N., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the department of social-humanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» An Artist's Appreciation of Traditional Applied Art: from Visual communication to a Work of art Abstract: The article deals with the process of organizing visual communication necessary for the accumulation of perceptual experience and development of mindfulness as one of the significant professional qualities of the future artist of traditional applied art. An in-depth analysis of the terms “vision” and “communication” is made, the connection between vision and visual communication is substantiated. The definitions of the terms “supervision in traditional arts and crafts”, “visual communication in traditional arts and crafts”, “decorative stylization” are given. The author focuses on the forms of organizing the activities of students in general professional and professional disciplines, applied at the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts - a branch of the Higher School of Folk Arts (Academy) and contributing to the education of visual-aesthetic perception in the process of visual communication in order to successfully design and create products of traditional applied arts. Key words: visual communication, visual experience, visual-aesthetic perception, extracurricular activities, observation, decorative stylization, artist of traditional applied art. ……………………………………………………………………………… Fedotova O.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, director of the Institute of traditional applied arts – Moscow branch of the «Higher scool of folk arts (academy)» Mikhailova N.N., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the department of social-humanitarian and natural science disciplines of the Institute of traditional applied arts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
An Artist's appreciation of traditional applied art: from Visual communication to a work of art (article 1)
Abstract: The article deals with the process of organizing visual communication necessary for the accumulation of perceptual experience and development of mindfulness as one of the significant professional qualities of the future artist of traditional applied art. An in-depth analysis of the terms “vision” and “communication” is made, the connection between vision and visual communication is substantiated. The definitions of the terms “supervision in traditional arts and crafts”, “visual communication in traditional arts and crafts”, “decorative stylization” are given. The author focuses on the forms of organizing the activities of students in general professional and professional disciplines, applied at the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts - a branch of the Higher School of Folk Arts (Academy) and contributing to the education of visual-aesthetic perception in the process of visual communication in order to successfully design and create products of traditional applied arts. Key words: visual communication, visual experience, visual-aesthetic perception, extracurricular activities, observation, decorative stylization, artist of traditional applied art. ……………………………………………………………………………… Пахомова И.В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры литературы и журналистики РГУ им. С.А. Есенина, преподаватель Рязанского института традиционного прикладного искусства – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Сомова М.В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры русского языка и методики его преподавания РГУ им. С.А. Есенина, преподаватель Рязанского института традиционного прикладного искусства – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются сюжеты и мотивы литературных произведений как основа художественного образа произведений традиционных художественных промыслов. Сюжет является интегральной категорией системы искусств, эстетическим принципом последовательности, организованности и построения. Сюжет и мотив литературных произведений рассматриваются как необходимая часть формирования специальных профессиональных навыков будущих художников традиционного прикладного искусства. В статье на примере изучения творчества русских писателей представлены фрагменты заданий, направленных на сопоставление сюжетно-тематического родства произведений словесного и прикладного искусства. Ключевые слова: литературный сюжет, сюжетные мотивы, художественное мышление, прикладное художественное творчество, русский язык, литература. Pakhomova I.V., Associate Professor, Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin, lecturer of the Ryazan institute of traditional applied art – branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Somova M.V., Associate Professor, Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin, lecturer of the Ryazan institute of traditional applied art – branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Literary plots and motives as a basis for the artistic image of works of traditional arts and crafts Abstract: The article examines the plots and motifs of literary works as the basis of the artistic image of the works of traditional crafts. The plot is an integral category of the art system, an aesthetic principle of consistency, organization and construction. The plot and motif of literary works are considered as a necessary part of the formation of special professional skills of future artists of traditional applied art. The article presents fragments of practical tasks aimed at comparing the plot-thematic relationship of works of verbal and applied art using the example of studying the work of Russian writers. Key words: literary plot, plot motifs, artistic thinking, applied artistic creativity, russian language, literature. ……………………………………………………………………………… Pakhomova I.V., Associate Professor, Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin, lecturer of the Ryazan institute of traditional applied art – branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Somova M.V., Associate Professor, Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin, lecturer of the Ryazan institute of traditional applied art – branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Literary plots and motives as a basis for the artistic image of works of traditional arts and crafts
Abstract: The article examines the plots and motifs of literary works as the basis of the artistic image of the works of traditional crafts. The plot is an integral category of the art system, an aesthetic principle of consistency, organization and construction. The plot and motif of literary works are considered as a necessary part of the formation of special professional skills of future artists of traditional applied art. The article presents fragments of practical tasks aimed at comparing the plot-thematic relationship of works of verbal and applied art using the example of studying the work of Russian writers. Key words: literary plot, plot motifs, artistic thinking, applied artistic creativity, russian language, literature. ……………………………………………………………………………… Булыгина Л.Н., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Государственного автономного образовательного учреждения дополнительного профессионального образования Свердловской области «Институт развития образования», филиал в г. Н. Тагиле Кузнецова Н.С., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, член Союза художников России, декан факультета художественного образования, Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет» филиал в г. Н. Тагиле Чебакова Е.А., член Союза художников России, старший преподаватель, факультет художественного образования, Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет» филиал в г. Н. Тагиле
Современный урок декоративно-прикладного искусства как образовательное событие
Аннотация: Статья знакомит с практическим опытом проектирования и реализации урока-события при освоении декоративно-прикладного искусства в контексте требований обновленного ФГОС основного общего образования. Результатами исследования является установленное эмпирически влияние образовательной событийности на подготовку студентов к педагогической деятельности, а также влияние урока-события по декоративно-прикладному искусству на развитие личностных качеств обучающихся на уровне основного общего образования. Представлены технологические карты уроков-событий, разработанные студентами и педагогами для учащихся 5 класса по теме «Народные художественные промыслы»: урок-путешествие, урок-мастерская творческой деятельности. Ключевые слова: урок-событие, образовательная событийность, системно-деятельностный подход, личностно-ориентированный подход, декоративно-прикладное искусство, учебная задача, творческая деятельность, общение, сотрудничество, педагог, студент. Bulygina L.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region “Institute for Educational Development”, branch in N. Tagil Kuznetsova N.S., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, member of the Union of Russian Artists, deanof the Department of Art Education, Federal State Autonomous Educational institution of higher education «Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University», branch in Nizhny Tagil Chebakova E.А., member of the Union of Russian Artists, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Art Education, Federal State Autonomous Educational institution of higher education «Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University» branch in Nizhny Tagil Modern arts and crafts lesson as an educational event Abstract: The article introduces the reader to the practical experience of designing and implementing an event-lesson in mastering arts and crafts in the context of the requirements of the updated Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. The results of the study are the empirically established influence of educational eventfulness on the preparation of students for pedagogical activity, as well as the influence of an event-lesson on arts and crafts on the development of personal qualities of students at the level of basic general education. The article presents technological maps of event-lessons developed by students and teachers for 5th-grade students on the topic «Folk arts and crafts»: a travel lesson, a creative activity workshop lesson. Key words: lesson-event, educational eventfulness, system-activity approach, personality-oriented approach, arts and crafts, educational task, creative activity, communication, cooperation, teacher, student. ……………………………………………………………………………… Bulygina L.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region “Institute for Educational Development”, branch in N. Tagil Kuznetsova N.S., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, member of the Union of Russian Artists, deanof the Department of Art Education, Federal State Autonomous Educational institution of higher education «Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University», branch in Nizhny Tagil Chebakova E.А., member of the Union of Russian Artists, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Art Education, Federal State Autonomous Educational institution of higher education «Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University» branch in Nizhny Tagil
Modern arts and crafts lesson as an educational event
Abstract: The article introduces the reader to the practical experience of designing and implementing an event-lesson in mastering arts and crafts in the context of the requirements of the updated Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. The results of the study are the empirically established influence of educational eventfulness on the preparation of students for pedagogical activity, as well as the influence of an event-lesson on arts and crafts on the development of personal qualities of students at the level of basic general education. The article presents technological maps of event-lessons developed by students and teachers for 5th-grade students on the topic «Folk arts and crafts»: a travel lesson, a creative activity workshop lesson. Key words: lesson-event, educational eventfulness, system-activity approach, personality-oriented approach, arts and crafts, educational task, creative activity, communication, cooperation, teacher, student. ……………………………………………………………………………… ДИДАКТИКА И МЕТОДИКА ТРАДИЦИОННОГО ПРИКЛАДНОГО ИСКУССТВА DIDACTICS AND METHODS OF TRADITIONAL APPLIED ARTS Методика обучения традиционному прикладному искусству (по видам) Methods of teaching in traditional applied art (by types) Кривозубова Ю.И., кандидат педагогических наук, член Творческого союза художников России, заведующий кафедрой рисунка и живописи Института традиционного прикладного искусства – Московского филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Амиргазин К.Ж., доктор педагогических наук, профессор Сибирского института традиционного прикладного искусства – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Вышая школа народных искусств(академия)» Аннотация: В статье представлены результаты анализа специфики учебных работ, выполненных в процессе освоения дисциплины «Декоративная живопись» студентами – будущими художниками по росписи ткани. Автором осуществлен анализ специфических особенностей и выразительных приемов художественной росписи ткани как вида традиционного прикладного искусства, с одной стороны, и выразительных приемов декоративной живописи – с другой. На основе результатов анализа установлено, что понимание студентами особенностей художественной росписи ткани и соответствующих им выразительных средств декоративной живописи способствует созданию учебных работ по дисциплине «Декоративная живопись», отражающих специфику художественной росписи ткани. Выделены технологические, композиционные, стилистические, колористические особенности художественной росписи ткани и определены сопоставимые с ними выразительные приемы декоративной живописи. На основе выявленной интерпретационной аналогии между особенностями художественной росписи ткани и аналогичными им выразительными средствами декоративной живописи автором описана специфика учебных работ, выполненных студентами по дисциплине «Декоративная живопись». Ключевые слова: декоративная живопись, художественная роспись ткани, особенности декоративной росписи, приемы росписи. Krivozubova Yu.I., candidate of pedagogical sciences, member of the Creative union of artists of Russia, head of the department of drawing and painting of the Institute of traditional applied arts – Moscow branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Amirgazin K.J., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professorof the Siberian institute of traditional applied art – branch of the «Highen school of folk arts (academy)» The specifics of educational work in the discipline «Decorative painting» in the professionally directed training of future artists in painting fabrics Abstract: The article presents the results of analyzing the specifics of academic works performed in the process of mastering the discipline «Decorative painting» by students – future artists of fabric painting. The author analyzes the specific features and expressive techniques of fabric painting as a kind of traditional applied art, on the one hand, and expressive techniques of decorative painting, on the other hand. On the basis of the results of the analysis it is established that the students' understanding of the peculiarities of artistic fabric painting and the corresponding expressive means of decorative painting contributes to the creation of educational works on the discipline «Decorative painting», reflecting the specifics of artistic fabric painting. The technological, compositional, stylistic, coloristic features of artistic fabric painting are singled out and the expressive methods of decorative painting comparable to them are defined. On the basis of the identified interpretive analogy between the features of artistic painting of fabric and similar expressive means of decorative painting, the author describes the specifics of academic works performed by students in the discipline of «Decorative painting». Key words: decorative painting, decorative painting of fabric, features of decorative painting, painting techniques. ……………………………………………………………………………… Krivozubova Yu.I., candidate of pedagogical sciences, member of the Creative union of artists of Russia, head of the department of drawing and painting of the Institute of traditional applied arts – Moscow branch of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Amirgazin K.J., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professorof the Siberian institute of traditional applied art – branch of the «Highen school of folk arts (academy)» Abstract: The article presents the results of an analysis of the specifics of academic work performed by students - future textile painters - in the process of mastering the discipline "Decorative Painting." The author analyzes the specific characteristics and expressive techniques of artistic fabric painting as a type of traditional applied art on the one hand, and the expressive techniques of decorative painting on the other. Based on the analysis results, it was established that students' understanding of the features of artistic fabric painting and the corresponding expressive means of decorative painting contributes to the creation of academic works in the discipline "Decorative Painting," which reflect the specifics of artistic fabric painting. Technological, compositional, stylistic, and coloristic features of artistic fabric painting are highlighted, and comparable expressive techniques of decorative painting are defined. On the basis of the revealed interpretive analogy between the features of artistic fabric painting and their analogous expressive means of decorative painting, the author describes the specifics of academic work performed by students in the discipline "Decorative Painting." Key words: decorative painting, artistic fabric painting, decorative painting features, painting techniques. ……………………………………………………………………………… Лапина Ю.Е., кандидат педагогических наук, заведующий художественно-творческой лабораторией Научно-исследовательского института традиционных художественных промыслов ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Дракина И.К., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры теории и методики профессионального образования ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Обучение студентов среднего профессионального образования технологии киришского художественного кружевоплетения
Аннотация: Статья посвящена проблемам обучения студентов среднего профессионального образования на кафедре художественного кружевоплетения Высшей школы народных искусств (академии). Исследованы особенности обучения киришскому художественному кружевоплетению путем включения в учебный процесс задания по реновации кружевного исторического образца в соответствии с традиционной технологией в рамках дисциплины «Исполнительское мастерство». Проанализировано содержание исследований в области реновации изделий традиционного прикладного искусства. Представлены содержание и методы обучения при выполнении киришского кружевного исторического образца. Ключевые слова: киришское кружево, технология кружевоплетения, обучающейся, содержание обучения, методы, средства. Lapina Yu.E., candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the art and creative laboratory of the Research institute of traditional arts and crafts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Drakina I.K., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, of the department of theory and methodology of professional education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Teaching students of secondary vocational education the technology of kirishi art lace weaving Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of teaching students of secondary vocational education at the department of artistic laceweaving of the Higher school of folk arts (academy). The peculiarities of teaching kirishi artistic lace weaving by including in the educational process the task of renovation of historical lace sample in accordance with traditional technology within the discipline «Performing arts» are investigated. The content of research in the field of renovation of products of traditional applied art is analyzed. The content and methods of training in the performance of kirishi lace historical pattern are presented. Key words: kirish lace, lace weaving technology, learner, learning content, methods, means. ……………………………………………………………………………… Lapina Yu.E., candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the art and creative laboratory of the Research institute of traditional arts and crafts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Drakina I.K., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, of the department of theory and methodology of professional education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Teaching students of secondary vocational education the technology of kirishi art lace weaving
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of teaching students of secondary vocational education at the department of artistic laceweaving of the Higher school of folk arts (academy). The peculiarities of teaching kirishi artistic lace weaving by including in the educational process the task of renovation of historical lace sample in accordance with traditional technology within the discipline «Performing arts» are investigated. The content of research in the field of renovation of products of traditional applied art is analyzed. The content and methods of training in the performance of kirishi lace historical pattern are presented. Key words: kirish lace, lace weaving technology, learner, learning content, methods, means. ……………………………………………………………………………… Шамрай С.Д., кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой физической культуры ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Кивихарью И.В., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры теории и методики гимнастики ФГБОУ ВО «Национальный государственный университет физической культуры, спорта и здоровья им. П.Ф. Лесгафта Аннотация: В статье раскрываются факторы, негативно влияющие на состояние здоровья будущих художников традиционных художественных промыслов. Представлены результаты научных исследований, подтверждающие взаимосвязь длительного воздействия факторов, отрицательно сказывающихся на здоровье будущих художников, и возникновением у них ряда заболеваний. Даются рекомендации по применению средств профессионально-прикладной физической подготовки, способствующих поддержанию и улучшению здоровья обучающихся. Ключевые слова: состояние здоровья, факторы, негативно влияющие на состояние здоровья, физическая работоспособность, средства профессионально-прикладной физической подготовки. Shamray S.D., candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department of physical education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Kivikharyu I.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of theory and methodology of gymnastics of the «National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft» The use of means of professionally applied physical training in the prevention of diseases of future artists of traditional arts and crafts Abstract: The article reveals the factors that negatively affect the health of future artists of traditional arts and crafts. The results of scientific research confirming the relationship of long-term exposure to factors that negatively affect the health of future artists and the emergence of a number of diseases in them are presented. Recommendations are given on the application of means of professional-applied physical training, contributing to the improvement of health of students. Key words: the state of health, factors that negatively affect the state of health, physical performance, means of professionally applied physical training. ……………………………………………………………………………… Shamray S.D., candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department of physical education of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Kivikharyu I.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of theory and methodology of gymnastics of the «National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft» Abstract: The article reveals the factors that negatively affect the health of future artists of traditional arts and crafts. The results of scientific research confirming the relationship of long-term exposure to factors that negatively affect the health of future artists and the emergence of a number of diseases in them are presented. Recommendations are given on the application of means of professional-applied physical training, contributing to the improvement of health of students. Key words: the state of health, factors that negatively affect the state of health, physical performance, means of professionally applied physical training. ……………………………………………………………………………… Кереселидзе А.Ш., кандидат биологических наук, доцент кафедры социально-гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин Института традиционного прикладного искусства – филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)» Аннотация: В статье обоснована проблема необходимости здоровьесберегающих технологий для предупреждения профессиональных заболеваний художников традиционных художественных промыслов и их успешности в профессиональной деятельности. Раскрыты термины «здоровье», «человеческий капитал», «здоровьесберегающая технология». Выделены типы здоровьесберегающих образовательных технологий и дана характеристика технологии физкультурно-оздоровительного типа. Описаны наиболее распространенные заболевания позвоночного столба, обоснована необходимость выполнения специальных комплексов упражнений, что положительно повлияет на результаты учебной и профессиональной деятельности. Ключевые слова: здоровье художника традиционного прикладного искусства, человеческий капитал, здоровьесберегающие образовательные технологии, профилактика профессиональных заболеваний, осанка, позвоночник, «здоровая спина». Kereselidze A.S., candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social, Humanitarian and Natural Sciences at the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts, a branch of the Higher School of Folk Arts (Academy) Health-saving technologies in training future artists of traditional arts and crafts (prevention of professional diseases) Abstract: The article substantiates the problem of the necessity of health-saving technologies to prevent professional diseases of artists of traditional arts and crafts and their success in professional activity. The terms “health”, “human capital”, “health-saving technology” are disclosed. The types of health-saving educational technologies are singled out and the technology of physical culture and health-improving type is characterized. The most common diseases of the spinal column are described, the necessity of performing special sets of exercises is justified, which will positively affect the results of educational and professional activities. Key words: Artist of traditional applied art, human capital, health-saving educational technologies, prevention of occupational diseases, posture, spine, «healthy back», correction, exercises. ……………………………………………………………………………… Kereselidze A.S., candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social, Humanitarian and Natural Sciences at the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts, a branch of the Higher School of Folk Arts (Academy) Abstract: The article substantiates the problem of the necessity of health-saving technologies to prevent professional diseases of artists of traditional arts and crafts and their success in professional activity. The terms “health”, “human capital”, “health-saving technology” are disclosed. The types of health-saving educational technologies are singled out and the technology of physical culture and health-improving type is characterized. The most common diseases of the spinal column are described, the necessity of performing special sets of exercises is justified, which will positively affect the results of educational and professional activities. Key words: Artist of traditional applied art, human capital, health-saving educational technologies, prevention of occupational diseases, posture, spine, «healthy back», correction, exercises. ……………………………………………………………………………… Педагогика музейной деятельности в области Pedagogy of museum activity in the field of traditional applied art Акинфеева И.И., доцент кафедры конструирования дизайна и технологии факультета экологии, сервиса, технологий и дизайна ФГБОУ ВО «Восточно-Сибирский государственный университет технологий и управления», член Творческого союза художников России
Роспись старообрядцев республики Бурятия
Аннотация: В статье приведены результаты исследования по изучению одного из видов традиционного прикладного искусства – домовой и предметной росписи семейских Забайкалья. Исследование проведено в местах компактного проживания старообрядцев республики Бурятия. В статье приведена классификация узоров росписи и выявлено их символическое и обережное значение. Также подробно описаны композиции росписи семейских. Ключевые слова: старообрядцы республики Бурятия, роспись семейских, домовая и предметная роспись, вазон, букеты, круги, розетки, цветочные композиции. Akinfeeva I.I., associate professor of the department of construction, design and technology, faculty of ecology, service, technology and design, FSBEIU VO «East-Siberian State University of Technology and Management», member of the Creative union of artists of Russia Painting of the old believers of the republic of Buryatia Abstract: The article presents the results of the study of one of the types of traditional applied art – house and object painting of semeisky people of Transbaikalia. The research was conducted in the places of compact residence of the old believers of the republic of Buryatia. The article presents the classification of the painting patterns and reveals their symbolic and protective meaning. The compositions of the semeiskie painting are also described in detail. Key words: old believers of the republic of Buryatia, painting of semeiskie, house and object painting, vase, bouquets, circles, rosettes, flower compositions. ……………………………………………………………………………… Akinfeeva I.I., associate professor of the department of construction, design and technology, faculty of ecology, service, technology and design, FSBEIU VO «East-Siberian State University of Technology and Management», member of the Creative union of artists of Russia
Painting of the old believers of the republic of Buryatia
Abstract: The article presents the results of the study of one of the types of traditional applied art – house and object painting of semeisky people of Transbaikalia. The research was conducted in the places of compact residence of the old believers of the republic of Buryatia. The article presents the classification of the painting patterns and reveals their symbolic and protective meaning. The compositions of the semeiskie painting are also described in detail. Key words: old believers of the republic of Buryatia, painting of semeiskie, house and object painting, vase, bouquets, circles, rosettes, flower compositions. ……………………………………………………………………………… Личность в искусстве: о художниках и педагогах традиционного прикладного искусства Personality in art: about artists and teachers of traditional applied art
Архангельская Ольга Владимировна
С 1983 по1988 г. училась в Одесском политехническом институте на химико-технологическом факультете.
Светлая память о ней сохранится в наших сердцах навсегда! ………………………………………………………………………………
Arkhangelskaya Olga Vladimirovna
From 1983 to 1988, she studied at the Odessa Polytechnic Institute, at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology.
Her bright memory will remain forever in our hearts! ……………………………………………………………………………… Книжная полка (обзоры и рецензии) Book shelter (reviews and reviews) Рыбина Л.И., директор научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Высшая школа народных искусств (академия)»
Русские интерьеры ХVIII века
Аннотация: В статье представлено иллюстративное издание о выставке «"Украшения из разноцветных дерев…" Русская наборная мебель Екатерины II», подготовленное Государственным музеем-заповедником «Петергоф» и Государственным Эрмитажем, изложена история создания в России образцов мебели, созданных в технике маркетри, представлены фотографии мебельных предметов, хранящихся в музеях и частной коллекции семьи Карисаловых. Ключевые слова: русская наборная мебель, антикварная мебель, музейная коллекция, русский интерьер, маркетри. Rybina L.I., director of the scientific library of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)» Russian interiors of the XVIII century Abstract: The article presents an illustrative publication about the exhibition «"Украшения из разноцветных дерев…" Русская наборная мебель Екатерины II», prepared by the State Museum-Reserve ‘Peterhof’ and the State Hermitage Museum, the history of the creation in Russia of samples of furniture created in the technique of marquetry is described, photos of furniture items kept in museums and the private collection of the Karisalov family are presented. Key words: russian set furniture, antique furniture, museum collection, Russian interior, marquetry. ……………………………………………………………………………… Rybina L.I., director of the scientific library of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)»
Russian interiors of the XVIII century
Abstract: The article presents an illustrative publication about the exhibition «"Украшения из разноцветных дерев…" Русская наборная мебель Екатерины II», prepared by the State Museum-Reserve ‘Peterhof’ and the State Hermitage Museum, the history of the creation in Russia of samples of furniture created in the technique of marquetry is described, photos of furniture items kept in museums and the private collection of the Karisalov family are presented. Key words: russian set furniture, antique furniture, museum collection, Russian interior, marquetry. ……………………………………………………………………………… |
Главный редактор
Доктор педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой истории искусств Высшей школы народных искусств (академии) Любовь Максимовна Ванюшкина